Dental Exam & X-Rays

General Dentist located in Houston, TX.
Serving Sharpstown, Bellaire, and the greater Southwest Houston area
When you arrive as a new patient for your exam and x-rays, we only have the basic information about you and your dental history. This is where our doctor needs to find out exactly what dental needs you require. Each step will be explained by our staff to ensure you understand the process and are comfortable all the way. Call or make an appointment online today.
What does your exam and x-ray appointment involve?
- One of our dental assistants will seat you and get you comfortable while explaining the appointment details.
- X-rays of your mouth will be taken from different positions to get the best all round images of your teeth.
- The doctor will meet you and go through your x-rays, based on the results the doctor will have a closer look at your mouth with a mirror.
- Lastly a dental treatment plan will be discussed between you and the doctor; the doctor can educate you and advise on how to keep your teeth in the best health possible.
- You are all done and will be escorted to the front reception where you will be scheduled for your next appointment based on your treatment plan.
- Our front desk receptionist will provide you with your next appointment card, you are officially a patient.
Book an Appointment Today
Come visit our office, and get your dental checkup!